Saturday, April 30, 2011

New Media Applied Knowledge to Date

Well I'm getting pretty close to being wrapped up for this semester. I've had the opportunity to use some of what I've learned from this class in my professional life. I'd like to give a brief update here.

I'm currently involved with a team at work tasked with helping employees understand and accept that the role of our site in the corporate network has changed and the site will have roughly 50% the staff it has now. Combined with that is the mission is to also have engaged upbeat attitude employees as well. Not a short order by any means.

Our approach so far has involved starting blog on the corporate intranet and sharing some frank dialogue and commentary. From the onset our strategy has been to take a viral approach as opposed to a top down approach. I had the opportunity to speak at a department meeting Thursday and share some insight into the power of social networking. I referenced the recent events taking place in the Middle East and North Africa and the dramatic change underway in part enabled by social networking tools.

I hope all of you have a great summer. I know some of you are in the same class I am in this summer. I hope to see all of you online.

Kind regards,


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